Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Aligators and Birds

Just a few more vacation adventures to share :)

We received a recommendation to visit the Huntington State Park which we are so thankful for, it was a beautiful exciting park. As we drove in on a road which had salt water lake on one side and a salt marsh on the other we spotted an alligator swimming in the lake and great egrets fishing in the rushes. We were so giddy with excitement I took very few pictures. I could barely tear myself away from being a participant of the experience long enough to snap a few.
There are 55-75 alligators in this fairly small lake, it is a natural habitat for them and they are not uncommon for the area (just for us!).
We were able to see 5-6 of these amazing residents, one whom looked to be about 5-6 feet long. There were boardwalks at various different spots around the lake and marsh to view the wildlife. The alligators were undoubtedly a highlight, but as you know we love our birds so this was a highlight day for the birding as well. The majestic birds were incredible. We saw snowy egrets, great egrets, little herons, blue herons, osprey, gulls, and some we have no idea what they may have been ! We had our various binoculars but were treated to viewing through a fellow visitor's high tech viewing fancy contraption (LOL) and saw amazing details of the birds and alligators.
We really did walk away awed at seeing alligators in the wild and talked about these great creatures quite a bit. We decided, despite knowing how touristy it would be, to see alligators up close at a gator park. To see these huge, huge, HUGE reptiles up close, learn more about them really was incredible. Their armour skin, their group living, the different types (including rare albinos) what to do when you spot them on the golf course (what?!*!). Pretty cool.
The park also had some amazing trails, miles of beach and boardwalks we explored.


Jorge said...

Wow. Those critters can really rise up out of the water when they want. That lady with the mic is lucky to have that barricade between her and those guys! :)

gardening gal said...

Hey Jorge !!!
so nice to have you visit :)

That kids were impressed when the guide explained that aligators are often stumbled across on golf courses. That a golf cart can go 15km/hr and an aligator can go 18km/hr....
