Monday, May 07, 2007

A Show of an Artistic Kind

Tonight our local Homeschool Group hosted an art show. The kids all created beautiful unique displays of their art work; jewelry, knitting, weaving, painting, Lego creations, wood work, clay, scrapbooks, sculptures. They also created an artist profile, sharing their personal information but also their inspiration for their work. Aria insisted on using a different name as an artists, for she explained that she feels like a different person when she does her art work and therefore signed her pieces Purple Green Face. There were comment cards for the viewers to fill in. My kids really enjoy reading what people have to say, hearing what people felt and thought of their work was uplifting for them. Although this event was not as well attended as the science fair (perhaps because of the time of year, perhaps because art is more objective, perhaps science holds more merit for some) there was a good turn out. It was a great night.

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