Thursday, April 05, 2007

Science Fair

It's been an incredibly busy week. It seems many of the monthly activities have fallen into this past week, combined with doctor and dentists visits and preparing for the science fair has made it more chaotic them normal. This was a first for our homeschool group and our family and it was a success for both.

Aria beamed ear to ear, happily showing her friends of all ages and our guests; Grammy, Grampy and Zoe her collection of information and art work. She worked really hard, it was so amazing to see her so proud of herself and confident in her accomplishments. My personal favorite was the page on which she colored a picture of a jockey she named 'Scotla'.

The boys loved the experiments, making crystals and we made four or five different kinds. They weren't thrilled with the putting together the display process but really enjoyed viewers taking an interest in their project. They were equally impressed with all the hard work their friends put into their own. There were comment cards at each child's exhibit for viewers to write positive feedback. I thought this was a wonderful addition.

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