Saturday, March 25, 2006

What a Great Guy!!!!

Chris has to work today, which isn't the norm as it's a Saturday. He has had a course for the last three days. He has been working so hard lately, choosing a job that suits his family's needs first, then his own. I am so blessed to have such an amazing guy (ah schucks), who is also a great dadda.
What we love about our Dadda (my hunka hunka burning love);
-he loves when we all pile on him in the morning
-he makes the best pancakes
-he is the grilled cheese king
-all the times he has left little surprises like tim horton's coupons for us to find
-his midafternoon call to say he loves us
-afternoon naps all cuddly and drooley (although its been along time)
- when cooking dinner he does a little jig
-building forts
-hockey on the drive way
-he gives big hugs and soft touches
-we love to wrestle around
-daddy always helps me on the computer
-i love when he reads a big pile of stories and bedtime
-if i need a helper to come downstairs with me -daddy will
-a great cuddler
-snuggling with daddy is great and hugging him
-i love to give him kisses
-going on car rides with dadda in his car, and he puts on music
-when just me and dadda go to the coffee shop together
-snowball and water fights is lots of fun with him
-going on walks and bike rides together- it will be great to do it again soon but tobogganing was really good
-hikes are great
-lego building is fun
-going through the car wash together
-holding hands, quiet moments, all five in the bed smiling to each other -ain't life great!

We love you, Thanks for all your hard work
ben, aria, elias and em

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