Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Amazing WOnderful Fabulous thoughtful kind Fun Elias Kai

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you Elias Kai is 7 years old WoW Wow! It's early in the day of Elias' birthday, and he is up and opening gifts. He got some lego of all sorts and straws and connectors. It amazes me that Elias is seven. My baby. He is the child who has been my baby, I wasn't busy with other children the way I was with the others. Being my first we got to enjoy each other on our own. When he was just a baby I loved rocking and singing to him, carrying him bundled in my sling, nursing him to sleep so we could have an afternoon nap together. We walked miles together. We have a very special relationship, him being my first.
Now I love reading with him, talking about the chapters after we have read it, sharing what we thought. I love exploring new things together. This past year when he was in the hospital for a week we had hours of time together that was just me and him. We haven't had that since he was born. We drew, played games, chatted, sat in silence, read, cuddled and loved each other being there. He is growing into such an insightful loving boy, who is thoughtful with his friends and family. It takes awhile to get a place in his world but once you do, it is truly a world of wonder and love.

Birthdays have becoming very exciting for ELias. It has been difficult for him to be the centre of attention in the past. This year he really anticipated the day with excitement. His friend Rhiana had her birthday party this day which was a difficult decision to make. Should he have his own day or go to his friend's birthday. He decided it was really important to go to his friend's party and there were no regrets it was a wonderful day. The kids gathered inside their horse arena and they had races, playtime, horse rides, trampoline time and then inside for a sing song and cake. It was a great day and the kids came home exhausted. We then had more cake - singing to ELias and watched a movie together. We are having a birthday party with his friends in February. Elias is such a blessing in my life, as are all my children in different ways. I am so thankful for him.

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