Monday, January 16, 2006

Busy Baking and looking Beautiful!

A tunnel of umbrellas.... or a mole home, it's all in the eye of the beholder!!! These umbrellas have had so many uses; dancing accompaniments, special force fields rides for stuffed animals, monsoon protectors, and of course umbrellas. Elias and Ben are on there way out for the evening while Mummy and Aria are having some time to ourselves. While it was hard to see the brothers go out, we get excited about wearing aprons and hats over the ever popular 'kimono' .

Oh what a cutie!!! and if I knew how to turn the pictures around, it may look even cuter... if that's possible. The assemble was a very important part of the evening. We tried on numerous aprons, in fact I didn't realize we had so many. Finally, we came up with the combination of kimono, with full apron over top, with half apron over that with a kerchief. I must say it really came together!

What a smile! After weighing the pros and cons the classic chocolate chip cookie was decided on. Aria really enjoys cracking those eggs- the sound is pleasing to her ear and of course tasting the dough. They were Aria's creation beginning to end, and wow did they taste good!

A close up of the stirring step. It was a treat for her to not to share any of the steps in making the cookies. Aria was thrilled to have her brothers and dad come home to have a taste... it was unanimous they are delicious!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Aria looks so adorable!!