Thursday, January 19, 2006

Daddy oh Daddy its your day!!!

Everyone gathers around to give birthday hugs and kisses, cards and presents. It is very exciting, and it wouldn't be a special day without a few feathers!!! Daddy comes home early as a special treat to himself. We have a special treat for dinner- chinese food yum yum yum.

A bubble!!! For Christmas Elias got a kit to make his own bubble gum from grammy and grampy. Ever since he has been working on blowing bubbles. He has had lots of little ones but this is the first big bubble!! Elias said it was a birthday bubble for dad so we took a picture of it so we could remember. I remember trying to blow bubbles and finally doing it one day in the car with my mum and sister- it's interesting what you remember from your own childhood and then experience a second time with your kids. Very cool!

It's a giant card! Sometimes its better bigger! A what could be better then a giant card with a huge barn and animals on it to celebrate your day! Elias searched long and hard to find a really big piece of paper to make the biggest barn he could. Daddy loved it, the sheep, the barn, the horse, it all looked wonderful.

Aria worked really hard on a card that had a picture of her and dad eating all kinds of treats and drinking ice cappucinos. Since ELias and Ben having been going to beavers Aria and Daddy have been enjoying time together at the library and sometimes going out for a treat. She really captured that in her card. Ben drew dad with his new gifts- slippers and a pair of soft fleecey pants for tobogganing. So many great things to celebrate in dad.

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