Monday, May 16, 2011

Stars of the Show

Needless to say the duck love continues.  The video camera is out and movies are being made.  Today it was interviewing the ducks, among other questions there was "How did you remain calm when you realized you were going to have to break yourself out of the egg?"

And after much consideration, negotiating and debate the ducks have names.  The one with more black around it's neck and who splashes a lot in the water is named Puck (Midsummer Night's Dream is being reread).  The one with more yellow then black is officially named Apollo after the sun god, however most people are choosing Sunny as its nickname.  


amanda said...

love it! who came up with that question??

sm said...

that tatoo is looking cool... and real. spill

gardening gal said...

@sm it looks believable bc he looks so much older than he is!

@ i think you know!! lol she is pretty creative that one!