Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ducks! We have Ducks!

The first time we went to the farm store to find out about having chickens we learned about the huge variety of birds you could order.  Varieties of chickens, turkeys, ducks, peacocks, and geese oh my! Just having the option of raising ducklings was enough to plant the seed.  Now that the new chickens have settled in, we were ready for our two day old Rouen ducks.  Wow are they ever cute. CUTE! They are so soft, tiny and incredibly cute.  They are yellow and black at the moment, covered in down.  When they are full grown they will look very similar to Mallards.
We don't really know much about raising ducks.  As is our way, we are just learning as we go along.  They ducks will stay in an aquarium as until they get too large under a heat lamp.  Amazingly baby ducks don't know how to swim right away, so we need to ease them into shallow water and build up their swimming strength.  Its a good thing they loved being held close because as you can imagine they are getting lots of love!
It's another wonderful adventure having ducks.  

1 comment:

amanda said...

what a great experience! so cute!