Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter Carnival

The winter carnival in a neighbouring small village was such a big hit last year we were all excited to attend again this year. It's a carnival with a small town feel, and so much to do. We made sure to get to all of last year's favorites at the beginning. Both Elias and Ben entered the snow shoe races, this year making into their own age category but racing against each other. They were thrilled to come in first and second after running many heats. There were fabulous prizes to boot, although the race was great on its own.
Then it was off for a ride in the hot air balloon, even Shai went up for a view of the lake. The mini snow mobile rides were eagerly lined up for. Thankfully no one was turned away for being too big, which was a concern. There were music shows, drumming circles, owl demonstrations, logging, maple syrup demos and it wouldn't be a small town carnival without a karaoke (right?).
A personal highlight was the 2 day old Llama and it's mama, nursing happily among the onlookers. I must say the little one's level of cuteness made me absolutely giddy!lol

1 comment:

Molly said...

hot air balloons and a baby llama. it's paradise there.