Friday, February 05, 2010

Down here....

.....buried under daily life. I have had a few rescue calls to see if I was under the snow or down with the flu. It has just been busy. Good busy. The kids have been enjoying pond skating, ice fishing, a batch of new audio books and trying some new recipes for baked goods in the kitchen. Together, we have been having fun exploring fair trade chocolate, Canadian history and lots of Yahtzee games. We started a weekly coop with a few other homeschooling families. This has been giving us access to a gym, which is a real gift in February.
I have been teaching. This weekend my doula partner and I had our first private class, covering prenatal, birth coaching and breastfeeding information and it went wonderfully. The next few classes are filling up quickly. Business cards are on order. This venture into the world of teaching has required some crafting. I have made a felt placenta and a material amniotic sac to accompany my partners fabulous knitted uterus and corked placenta. (I know you want pictures, once the uterus comes home with me!)

It is all good. Just busy.


amanda said...

glad to hear things are going well. i can't wait to see pictures of the crafted reproductive organs!

Karen said...

Kev wants to know what kind of model you used for the uuuh crafting....
Specifically he wants to know what model you will be using for the next "bit" on your list.