Monday, June 22, 2009

They're Here!

all the rain has meant black flies, a hike along the beach meant we were under attack.


grammyjan said...

oooooo! Poor sweetheart

sm said...

we were bitten, too, on tuesday while relaxing at the wellington county art gallery. i pulled one of these little black bugs off pepper, saw the blood everywhere, and realized: Oh No, These are Blackflies!

too late.
we're all covered in bites. my first(s), i think.

gardening gal said...

It's the cooler, rainy weather apparently. Its the heat that kills them off, it has to be a few solid days of high temps. Alas still waiting on that!

sm said...

one more comment on these buggers -
we were at the ROM today at their new biodiversity gallery with all the stuffed mammals and fish and lizards (and great interactive video terminals too, btw) and in the northern case, right next to the poor caribou, they had - get this - black fly larva specimens, preserved and all lined up, ready to do battle.
it's like i could hear the buzzing...