I have been feeling unmotivated. Uninterested. Unable. I was reading about people shifting with the seasons. That now they are starting to try new things, reconnect with interests they have and want to begin again. I was starting to wonder if that would happen to me. But here I am thinking of what I want to begin this season for myself and with the kids.
New coops have been a part of that. We asked a family to join us in exploring different types of houses. We pictured it having two parts; talking about the home, who lives there, what era and geographical place the home was from, what does the home tell us about those people, etc. The second part was building a model of the house. This was our first week. Our family choose the first house, a long house. This is a house that the Iroquois peoples lived in, here in what is now southern Ontario. We gathered sticks, bark and boxes. Depending on their age and ability, the kids each built models with a frame and bark over lapping. Aria chose to build a boat :) ( I really love her individuality!)
New coops have been a part of that. We asked a family to join us in exploring different types of houses. We pictured it having two parts; talking about the home, who lives there, what era and geographical place the home was from, what does the home tell us about those people, etc. The second part was building a model of the house. This was our first week. Our family choose the first house, a long house. This is a house that the Iroquois peoples lived in, here in what is now southern Ontario. We gathered sticks, bark and boxes. Depending on their age and ability, the kids each built models with a frame and bark over lapping. Aria chose to build a boat :) ( I really love her individuality!)
Ben especially enjoyed the activity, and showed the neighbours his model. The kids enjoyed the sunshine and played a long while outside. I am feeling a little more able, interested and excited about our plans.
Have you guys taken the gang to Crawford Lake, with the full size long house and fort?
Maybe plan and build a small pond/eco system in the backyard. You can get kits a depot, etc for as little as $40-50 to build a small pond with waterfall. It would only be about a 1/2 foot deep.
Might be a good learning tool and ongoing project and makes for nice background noise and something for Mom to garden around!!
They love crawford lake, it is a great spot! I think that was partly what inspired this to be one of the first houses.
The boys are part of a horticultural youth group...perhaps a pond will be in making. Currently veggie garden is at the top of the list!
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