Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Marsh Adventure

After being on a schedule, taking in lots of information and surrounded by business we decided to try and balance out the weekend with a long swim at the pool followed by a hike outside. It was perfect, especially before our long drive home. We went to Cooper Marsh, conserved marshland by Ducks Unlimited. Some of the trails take you by boardwalk through the middle of the marsh. There are viewing areas scattered along the trail, allowing you to look and watch without being seen. Posted inside are identification posters. The highlights where a golden eagle, black ducks, grebes and an american bittern. During a nursing break we were lying down on the boardwalk and much to our delight we watched migrating Canadian geese in three v's formed into one, numbering no less then 1000! It was incredibly to watch them shift into place. It was a wonderful end to the weekend.

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