Monday, September 03, 2007

Birthday at the Beach

Aria, with a the help of a guiding hand, decided to invite five families (four able to come) to her birthday. This meant we had 14 kids! The open space of the beach was perfect, the weather wonderfully sunny, combined with a few activities the afternoon was wonderful. We brought with us the make your own ice cream in a ball which requires the kids to shake the ingredients in a ball to make soft serve ice cream. The pinata lasted through more kids then i anticipated and there were no casualties. The families are such wonderful people we hold dear to our hearts. There was worries about Mattel recalls; the gifts show how well they know Aria. She was gifted tie dye underwear, a framed picture drawn by her friend, a box of crafting treasures, a pioneer gift bag filled with marbles, a wind up toy, a homemade quilt, a doll to make her own, a tin boxed filled fancy tights, magnets and play mobile, a beautiful book about birds complete with a CD. It was a wonderful afternoon. To boot the adults got to sit in the shade for the most part.

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