Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Question of Money

(the paint your own tea set Aria bought)

We recently went to a toy store, the kids with wallets in hand. Both Ben and Aria have saved their birthday money which was in the early fall, Elias with a small amount left from his which was just a few weeks ago. As with everything else, they each have very different approaches to money. This is the first year they have all recieved money as a gift and they are all at the age of understanding what they could do with it.

It has been interesting to see the kids handling money, their views toward it and how they think it is best to spend it. Aria is quite indifferent, she is not that attached to things and therefore doesn't have a strong desire to spend it. She often feels as though she 'should' spend it because thats what people do.
Ben saves his money for a long time, it weighs the pros and cons of a purchase, usually opting to pass on the item. He is generous with his money, often buying his siblings toys they yearn for or offering to lend them some. Elias never has money for long. Before he even has it in his hand he has thought of a dozen ways to spend it. He finds it very difficult to leave a store money still in hand, he would almost rather spend it on anything.

We have been having lots of discussions on saving money, bank accounts, interest and loans. This has increased even more since the kids decided to take on a paper route. They have gone through a job interview, enjoyed the reward of a paycheck, wanted to call in sick, thought about quiting and realized how little they get paid compared to the amount of work they do. Above all I am amazed at the determination they have had throughout the entire process. Their level of committment far exceeds mine on this issue, they have shown a great sense of responsibility and understanding. They amaze me.

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