Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Art in our Home

My kids were so patient and cooperative today. I was on the phone in a state of semi panic for a good portion. I coordinate the meetings for our homeschool group and over the past 24 hours four of the six guest panelists cancelled and the meeting is tonight! What are the chances! I have written about how I enjoy the last minute rush of preparing for something, but this was not one of those times (lol). I had done all the leg work weeks prior, taken care of all the details so as not to be in the position. I had two friends who stepped right up with a list of possibilities and helped pull the night off with great success- thank you!. In order for that to happen though I needed to spend most of the day phoning artists, studios, talking to answering machines and running around.
The topic for the panelists was Bringing Art into the Home, with both homeschooling parents and artists discussing the topic. While the last minute rush was a bit daunting and overwhelming I did have an incredible opportunity to talk with various local artists about this topic. The importance of experimenting, giving space for the child to connect with their creativity and let go of the finished product. While none of this was new, it is how I try to homeschool. It was affirming for me and encouraged me to pull out the clay for the kids to play with. Despite the clay getting everywhere (how does it get on the lamp?) it always amazes me how wonderful it is to see them create totally uninhibited.

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