It wouldn't be regular day in the Platts-Boyle housedhold if Aria didn't change her outfit a few times. She has fallen in love with her ballet slippers, and they accessorize most outfits. While cleaning out her closet she came across this shirt which Zoe passed on to her. Its a chinese style shirt that is very shimmery- I can see it being a staple in her wardrobe for awile. I love to see how she creates her outfits, and the combination is never out of thin air. THey are sometimes reflective of a personna she is being or a time in history or a job she is carrying out. The stories are incredible. She called this outfit her little girl delightful dancing outfit. What a perfect name! Oh yeah the reason I actually took the photo was to show the big circle she made with straws and connects. She quietly worked making it, which no one realized until she showed us.

The divers have joined the delightful dancing girl to build a kennel/beaver dam. It is awesome to watch them build and create together. One of them starts working on something and the other something different. When they watch the other work on something they become inspired and join their creations into spectacular piece of work. They were really proud of themselves for making this. I am proud of them for working so well together.

Rub a dub dub three kids in a tub!!! THey really did enjoy this!
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