Monday, September 13, 2010

Giddy Up

With the fair celebrating 125 years there have been lots of new additions; a few vendors, a baby pit stop, new games, a costume contest.  There were also lots of new additions for us as a family this year; I sat on the board, we volunteered in fundraising, the night before we assembled chicken cages, put up fence posts, worked in the concession stand, worked the craft hall.  The biggest and most exciting addition had to have was hands down entering the horse section.  Our friend Angee kindly accepted our request to both teach us how to ride in the fair and to show her animals. 
Lynn is a beautiful, large 1600lb tan coloured horse, whom Ben was going to ride and I was to lead.  Ben had no problems hoping up on her and sitting so high.  I on the other hand totally admit to being nervous leading Lynn.  When we practiced I always worried we were walking to close to each other and she would step on my feet.  She could be a little pushy at times, which meant I needed to be a little pushy back.  Lynn was much better at that than I was. 
Aria was thrilled to be riding on Percy, a beautiful brown big eared donkey.  It was Aria whose love of horses (and donkeys) that convinced everyone to give entering the horse section a try.  She would love to horseback ride as a hobby, so this was an amazing opportunity.  Elias agreed to lead Percy.  When he agreed to lead Percy he also had to accept the donkeys personality and limits.  Percy is a sensitive soul, needing lots of hugs, ear rubs and reassurance to convince him to MOVE.  Since Percy often decides he isn't moving, or is easily distracted by things like chip bags, there is lots of laughter from the audience. 
I wasn't sure how the kids would handle the unpredictability, despite seeing first hand in practice.  Aria wasn't swayed at all, she sat in proper form the whole time, her smile never wavering.  Elias just worked Percy over with lots of love and when the smell of chips took Percy over to the fence he was patient.  He was great at working with him, confident and relaxed,
Elias entered the ring first. He had to lead Percy around the ring, present him in front of the judges, trot and then stand back in position in line.  There was no trot, and positioning was a little wonky, but he did it.  It was a great start.  Next he presented in his age group.  Again he did great.  He was never visibly frustrated with Percy, which I think Percy sensed. They won first place, a beautiful red ribbon.  Next Elias took Aria in and I took Ben.  I was thrilled to be leading her around the ring.  She was a dream.  Angee kept telling me that Lynn loved to show, but I kept thinking of her feet! But of course Angee was right and she knew just what to do for me.  Such a great experience.
The kids went on to play some games on horseback.  I needed to run back and forth from the animal judging so I was thankful for a new friend to lead Ben and Lynn for these.  The riders held a cup of water while riding around.  At the end the winner was the one with the most water left.  There were more ribbons handed out.
The kids loved all of it.  Grooming, dressing, riding, leading.  It was a great experience.  Thanks Angee for sharing your four legged family, your time, patience and skills- we really loved it! 


Karen said...

Well done guys! It looks and sounds like so much fun.
Elias it sounds like you were the perfect match for Percy.
Love the hats!

Angee said...

You are all very welcome! I look forward to expanding on your experiences with future shows and experiences! Working with you all has been my pleasure and you and the kids should all be very proud of yourselves for trying hard and overcoming some fears. :o)