Monday, November 16, 2009


I have been feeling rushed lately. That I am always a few steps behind and the likely hood of catching up is really really unlikely. The scales are tipped a bit more unbalanced than I would like. My hands, my mind, my body is never stopping. While I am doing, I am thinking about the next thing I have to work on. Never being mentally or physically still. Rarely being in the moment. I decided to take the day and forget the lists, stop the crafting and the renovating, no planning, no delegating. I would take the day and be still, be in the moment.

There were times I needed to remind myself that the list would still be there tomorrow, that the craft could be finished later even if the due date was getting closer, that I wanted to be present. Thanks to another glorious fall day we were able to spend most of it outside. We played basketball outside, swung in the hammock, took the yarn out and spun special places in the sumac. A fire was built, dinner was eaten outside and life felt a little more balanced.

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