Saturday, June 07, 2008

Robin in the Hood

While Elias and Ben were at their biking clinic, Aria, Shai, Chris and I had the day at our door step. There was lots going on to choose from, but for Aria it was an easy choice; the Robin in the Hood medieval festival. This was our third year attending, and while not much has changed in the content, knowing the programs gave us the opportunity to leisurely stroll around, stopping at our favorites.
The tournaments of battling families was a favorite, cheering with the crowd for the 'good guys". The games area gave participants the chance to collect tickets which were traded in for medieval character trading cards-something Aria approached with great seriousness- and happily came home with two.
While sometimes challenging to coordinate every one's schedule and interests (which very often are not the same) it is wonderful and so worth the running around when it happens smoothly. Aria basked in the time and attention she got, Elias and Ben loved the bike camp, and Shai is happy to be with us.

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