This morning I stepped onto our back deck to hang up the laundry on the line, to see Elias beside our chicken coop with a huge smile on his face. The house was hiding what was beside him, but he was giving me a look as to say "shhhh, look here!". I read his expression right, I stepped over to see 5 deer standing literally a few feet away from him. Apparently he didn't notice them when he was letting the chickens out but turned around to find them all beside him. I quickly put everyone on deer alert, each scattering to their different windows or outside.
Ben choose to go onto the driveway, where they happened to cross a few minutes later. They were so comfortable with the two boys being nearby that a mama deer came very close to them sniffing them out. We often see deer, but never this bold. And rarely so many at one time. Sighting them is something the locals told us we would tire of, but I can't see that ever happening.
Tire of deer? No way, I have been here for 18 years now and I never tire of watching and listening to them.
Wow! How cool is that??
The other day we had 15 or so deer come to the house at once! It was beautiful and a little bit freaky all at once. We were so in awe by the amazing sight that we didn't notice until the deer left they drank dry our 60 litre container of sap!
....buggers! but we still love em!
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