Monday, May 17, 2010


This past weekend the Cubs in the surrounding areas held a rain gutter boat race. The kids were given a small piece of wood (I believe 4x7x1) and they shaped it, decorated, painted and added sails to it in the weeks (or days/hours depending on what family you are from LOL) leading up to the race. Everyone brought their creations with them to sail them down a very long rain gutter. The boats are meant to operate by wind power- so the kids blew them down! What fun!
The boats were decorated with pirate sails, recycled coffee cups for sails with the hopes of gathering more wind, shiny paint, glitter, rainbow, multiple sails, the designs were unique and diverse. Elias opted for a more traditional look with two sales, a stain instead of paint, a railing with rope, anchors and life saving rings and a Lego guy captain. Ben has been sick and opted to rest his head instead of sail, pictures of his shark shaped boat to come.
While Kub Kars is partly about trophies, the Regatta is not. It's for pure fun. Everyone has a few turns sailing, giving everyone else a chance to see how your boat does. They also hiked, played games and met new people. He had a great day.

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