Sunday, January 17, 2010

A few of my favorite things

while not really a fan of parties, to have a few of his favorite things was the perfect way to spend his third birthday
:: his 'guys' and a few friends to play
:: play dough, a table full of cars, the kitchen set up
:: phone calls all to himself
:: ice cream (the cake not so much)
:: the discovery of an old family favorite costume paired with super fast shoes
:: having everyone agree he could turn ten instead of three (my fingers where crossed because three is hard enough to swallow)
happy birthday sweet boy!


amanda said...

Happy Birthday Shai!!

boy, do your kids ever look grown up! shai looks so much like aria in the top photo.

glad he had a great day!


Karen said...

Happy Birthday! Can't wait to give him some kisses.

the momma said...

Happy Brithday Shai !

I hope that you have a great year being 10 and being 3 :D

me :)